Unfortunately, the health of our feet is often overlooked, both when it comes to our own adult feet and the health of our children’s feet!

Here at Ruby Ruby, we take foot health, and especially children’s foot health, seriously. This is why we offer a professional shoe fitting service that ensures your children’s feet are comfortable, happy and have room to grow.

Yet, even more important than our professional shoe fitting and measuring service, is the advice we happily provide to parents, grandparents, teens and even wee ones! We are constantly striving to educate and give practical advice to our customers so that both they and their children can enjoy their natural feet in a sustainable and healthy way for many, many years.

Why not browse through the topics listed below to discover more about proper foot care, achieving good foot health and how to maintain and care for your brand-new shoes.

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The importance of good foot health

Foot health is important in all walks of life. There is really no understating just how essential healthy feet are when it comes to quality of life. Without happy and healthy feet, we are severely limited in where we can go and the activities that we can do.

When it comes to children, this is even more essential! Children’s feet are constantly growing and changing, so it's vital that their shoes always fit properly.

Without properly fitting shoes’, a child’s foot may not develop properly which can then cause more serious foot problems later on in life.

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Tips on measuring children’s feet

Properly measuring children's feet is crucial for ensuring their long-term foot health. If your child is stuck in shoes that are too tight or restrictive, their overall health and growth could suffer in both the long and short term!

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Kid's shoe care: Proper care & maintenance

Proper shoe care has a whole host of benefits, not just for the health of your children’s feet but also for your bank account! By looking after and properly caring for your child’s shoes, you reduce the need for quick replacements and make sure that the shoes are in the best condition to provide the support and protection that your children's feet need.

To help our customers care for their new shoes properly and effectively, we’ve put together some top tips for proper shoe care.

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Common children's foot problems & how to manage them

Problems with the feet can impact many other areas in the body. For young children who are still developing, foot problems can cause extreme pain and discomfort and can come back to haunt them in later life.

As their bodies are still developing, some children may experience mechanical problems of the foot. These issues can be exasperated and further damaged by wearing wrongly fitting shoes.

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